Monday, April 18, 2016

Surgery Date, May 6, 2016

Yes, I have a date to start stomping out the cancer....I will be at Medical Park Hospital for one night on May 6, 2016.  After the surgery they will dissect and find out exactly what kind of cancer, during the surgery they will check lymph nodes and take out any involved...I never understood exactly what they do, but have since found out they drain liquid from areas of your would be good not to have any involved....after the surgery I will go back to Dr. Hines the oncologist and we will look at the options for treatment if necessary and go from essentially I am on hold about what the summer holds until that time.

Other than having the 2 C-sections, I have never had major surgery and  or had any extended recovery times...this is the scariest part of what May 6th brings....I won't be able to drive for up to 4 weeks....I am so thankful to my cousin for putting her life on hold to come and take care of me and keep my house running for the first couple of weeks....and to Keely for taking the dogs and returning them one at a time as I can deal with them....I can not start to list everyone who has reached out, I have gotten some wonderful cards and lots of encouragement on Facebook.

I have met some of the most remarkable women who have been at the same scary place and are willing to return to that time so they can give me advice and tell me how things really are...thanks to you all as well.

Most of all I am grateful for all who have prayed for me and added me to prayer lists....that I the way I will be able to beat this disease....

So here is a happy photo from the fall visit to Disney is exciting to think that the next time we go we will have one more little person with us!  (and I wanted to put a photo in so the blog wouldn't be just blah, blah, blah from me....


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the update! My prayers continue for you. It's time for you to try to rest and relax as you heal. You are always taking care of everyone, so a little pampering from folks will be good! Love ya girl :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the update! My prayers continue for you. It's time for you to try to rest and relax as you heal. You are always taking care of everyone, so a little pampering from folks will be good! Love ya girl :)

Unknown said...

my prayers and thoughts will be with you. Hugs!!