Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting into fall routines!

Finally got the handwork done on not one, but two quilts. The pastel one I did last fall and it was quilted in the spring. The teal and orange quilt is a BQ2 pattern and I quilted it with embroidery designs.
This past weekend I helped with a spay clinic for the feral cats in Forsyth County. My job was to watch them until the sedation took effect, remove them from the traps, label them and pass them over to be prepped. Of course I wanted to take almost everyone home with me. I know that God gave me a husband so I wouldn't become a cat horder. The sweet kitty pictured here, is Aerial, our oldest kitty. She is primarily an inside cat. She's getting a little dotty in her old age, but is still very sweet.