Wednesday, January 23, 2008

into the new year!

While most people think the new year starts on January 1, for me it starts at the beginning of each semester and getting the students into the classes they need and making sure each class has the correct type and size of classroom. There was snow last Thursday here (not enough to hardly notice), but it sends everyone here into a dither and school was cancelled, so yesterday I finally got my Tuesday/Thursday classes settled.

Leah is back at school and Jill is living at home while she does her student teaching. She's been going and observing for 2 weeks, but will finally start teaching some in the morning.

I'm taking a BQ2 class at my LQS along with Julia and have the top together, need to add the borders. I'm going to start a "bug" quilt tomorrow night.

On Saturday night we will all be sitting in front of the tv watching Hannah Kiefer compete for Miss America. Hannah is Miss Virginia and would be a great choice for this title. This is a pic of Hannah (on the left) when she came to root for Leah last year at Miss NC.